How to make the weekly shop easy!


Welcome back to my blog, it’s been a little while and it is safe to say things have changed!

During these crazy times when we are trying our best to stay indoors and limit our trips out I thought I would share with you something which has been making the weekly shopping trip a little more bearable. I was never someone who enjoyed going food shopping, it is such a chore right!? But during these times, although it is one of the only times I go outside the house other then exercising with my dog, it is even worse as everything is so different and i’m anxious of people getting to close and me getting to close to others, it is just 100 times more stressful.

So, I sought to make the experience much swifter and mildly less painful and thought I would share this with you:

  1. Plan your meals for the week before-hand – Not something i did before, I used to just go to the shops and winged it to be honest
  2. Now you know what you are having go around your kitchen and make sure you will have all the ingredients you need, check against the recipes!
  3. Then write down everything you need and here is where I can come in and help, I have attached a weekly shopping planner where you can note down everything you need in the right category for the shops. So when you are in that section of the shop you don’t have to loop around 3 million aisles because you forgot something thanks to the new one way system in place (please note, not criticising the system, it is a great idea! … when everyone follows it anyway)
  4. Then think of lunches and snacks you will want and note them on the list as well as anything around the house, and don’t forget toilet paper! 😉
  5. When you get to the shops, you will be thankful for all of your prep and will limit the amount of time in the shop thus exposure for yourself and others! Win win!
  6. Oh and don’t forget your reusable bags!

I hope you will find this useful and the PDF is linked below 🙂

Kymeliu x

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